Relationship coach, Mental health coach and NLP MASTER PRACTITIONER.

Click here to get access to my FREE workshop A taste of self-worth from within.

Supporting and comforting others has been natural to me.

As a life coach, mental health professional and Master NLP Practitioner, I help people with their personal development and matters such as self-esteem, self-empowerment, but also on dating, improving their relationships and life in it’s essence.

With a passionate commitment to personal growth, I have added to my natural abilities, numerous transformational coaching courses to help people overcome their life challenges.

Being a natural empath, I have always loved giving advice to people, with the desire to empower them and make them the masters of their own lifes. Life has its ups and downs for every one of us, from time to time we should be able to take some time to evaluate our real place.

Are you ready to improve & be effective in your love life, your mindset and your mental health ?


Kristiansand, Norway

It was an enlightening conversation where we explored different views and mindsets. Overall very pleased with the experience.

Elisabeth Henriksen
Bergen, Norway

My conversation with Binyam made me realize what type of thoughts I was entertaining and on what I was
choosing to put my focus on a lot. It has been putting things in perspective for me. It helped me to turn around my focus to something positive, I got a clearer perspective, and I was really surprised by how much easier it was and how much better I felt when I was confronted to a different way of viewing things. AHA
experience. I am so grateful!

Sonam Chamaria
Bangalore, India

“Binyam was an absolute joy to work with! He is extremely approachable, a great listener and very insightful! His exercises are also lots of fun and very useful. Highly recommended!”

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Are you ready to improve & be effective in your love life, your mindset and your mental health ?

Fill in the form below and I will get back to you, or feel free to check out my coaching services to see how I can help you.

Binyam Coaching

I am ready to identify with you the dimensions of your life you truly wish to change. I am specialized in matters such as
self-esteem, self-empowerment, mindset, dating, relationships, and life in it’s essence.

Check out my coaching services on how I can help you.



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