Binyam Girmai

I am a Relationship , Mental Health coach and NLP master practitioner.


Hi I’m Binyam.

I am a Life & Relationship Coach as well as Master NLP Practitioner.

I am here to assist you in matters such
as love, dating, relationships, but also to help you in your personal development and to help you navigate
critical moments in your life, health or career, with confidence and the right mindset.

If that’s what you’re looking for, then you are in the right place.

I’ve been there.
Whatever happens in life, if it’s not working, then you need to make an inventory.
Yes, that’s right. Inventory. From the inside out and from the outside in. 

Gathering my past experience, I picked up the lessons… and for the parts that I couldn’t figure out, I
decided to study, learn and do a lot of research. That’s when I found the treasure, the missing puzzles in
the way the human mind works.

I took responsibility for understanding myself as an individual and for identifying and developing my own
strengths and talents.

It also meant taking control of my life and identifying my values to live in accordance
with them. Doing so allowed me to discover my full potential and the ways to live up to it, both
professionally and in my personal life.

This has allowed me to develop a growth mindset and to have in my love life a relationship that is driven by
deep affection, warmth, attachment, commitment, love, care and dedication.
Right now and right here, you can also decide to find your missing puzzle, and I can help you to find it.



-Supporting and comforting others has been natural to me.

As a life coach, mental health professional and Master NLP Practitioner, I have helped people with their personal development and matters such as self-esteem, self-empowerment, but also on dating, improving their relationships and life in it’s essence.

With a passionate commitment to personal growth, I have added to my natural abilities numerous transformational coaching courses to help people overcome their life challenges.

Being a natural empath, I have always loved giving advice to people, with the desire to empower them and make them the masters of their own lifes. Life has its ups and downs for every one of us, from time to time we should be able to take some time to evaluate our real place

When it comes to dating and relationships, my mission is to help single people find a soulmate, that special person that you need but don’t know where to find. I believe that people shouldn’t feel left alone in life… Maybe you just need a little help with dating? My dating coaching program will teach you how to develop
your power of attraction and techniques and strategies for an improved next relationship. There is a new life out there waiting for you…

My « Love » programs are designed for people on all stages of love, from broken hearts to people that just started a new relationship. We all deserve a new start and a new perspective. There is always room for improvement and self-development. It is also important to be able to evaluate our current relationships; this is the first step to start working on them.

Most of the time people don’t even know their relationship is not working until it reaches the critical point of breakup, and this happens 90% of the time and the cause is: people don’t know how to build strong bonds and don’t take the time to truly evaluate their relationships, whether it’s a friendship, a partnership or a
marriage. Relationships are not a given, we have to nurture them, develop and build them like a temple,otherwise we are just leaving it all to chance. 

It’s never too late to have a more fulfilling relationship, and that doesn’t mean switching your partner.
Everyone has the ability to build and maintain a healthy relationship. The issues often come with time, because it requires a lot of efforts and work from both sides. I find that relationships don’t have to be that hard, and they are not! People are often untrained and unprepared for them.

With the process of coaching you will be able to renew your relationship by resetting your mind as an individual, overcoming the negative feelings that you had before and understanding the real meaning and course of life.

I also work with individuals to uncover their true potential.

I’ve always been amazed by the dormant abilities each and every one of us has and which is left on the side. I feel it is my mission to help people like you discover their true inner power. I will help you recognize where you want to be in life and the ways you can get to that point, as well as discover the potential that
already exists within you.

It is human to experience times in our lives where our confidence fluctuates, it is a totally natural ebb and flow.
Depending on your story or stories around confidence, my coaching programs crafted around self-esteem will soften the grip of the limiting beliefs you may have around the subject, and create a true space for you to evolve in, in which you can start to discover, reconnect with and transform into a more confident you!

In my individual coaching programs, our partnership will be dedicated to uncover your truth, and from there, to create a new, resonant vision of how you choose to live. We will define goals and put in place an action plan to achieve those. These action plans will be designed to support you to grow new habits and ideas that are aligned with your deeper truth.

I strive to provide individuals as well as couples the coaching they deserve, to become better versions of themselves. This is my way to give back a little and help build a better society for the future. I truly believe that if each person gives back to the community a little bit, we are all building a better future together, every individual, every day. Let me help you in this process of self-development towards your next and improved version of yourself. 

Scheduling your frst appointment is a big step towards change. I look forward to be part of your new life with a new perspective.



My love story

5 years ago, I was a hopeless romantic.

I always believe in every little thing about love, but for some reason, I used only to face disappointment when it came to my love life.

I’ve been through a lot of things when I was single. Some nasty breakups made me cynical about the potential happy ending. I’ve met some people in the past that made me unsure about what I wanted in life.

Love became a difficult subject for me, no matter how much I wanted to excel at it. But I tried to focus on positive things. I tried not to force things to happen, no matter how much I wanted it.

I decided to explore the things that I loved. Eventually, I enjoyed the things that I’m passionate about. I let things flow to see where it would take me.

I believed in investing my life to get myself ready. At that point, I stopped prioritizing love as I felt like I was content with many other aspects of life.

I was happy on my own. But there’s one thing I had to admit: life could sometimes be lonely.

There were times when I wish I had someone with whom I could share my beautiful life.

And one day, I met her…
It was unexpected, but she got me excited ever since we had our first conversation.

I remember the first time I saw her beautiful eyes.

There was something in the way she gazed that tingled me. I wanted to know her better. I wanted to dig in her personality because I knew from the beginning that she has had many things to reveal behind those eyes.

She felt cynical when I approached her, but I didn’t want to give up. It was quite hard to reassure her that I only had a good intention towards her, but it was worth the effort.

She has challenged me to be a better person. She has supported me in reaching my best potential. She is my best friend, as well as my worst critic when I need it.

But one thing I know for sure is that she is the best person for me.

Our first meeting convinced me that our love would last…
If there is one thing I understand in love, it is that not everyone has the same formula to make it work.

Some people could seek love for years, and feel like they haven’t found anything while others could grow into love in a split second just through their first impression. I found mine instantly when I met her.

It didn’t take long until I got convinced that she’s the one that I’ve always wanted. It took us only a month to find out that we were soon going to be the parents of our first child.

But love isn’t to love without the challenge…
When you’re ready to love someone, you’re prepared to face the challenge that may come with it.

For us, being in a long-distance relationship when expecting our first baby was the first challenge that we had come to face. It wasn’t easy, but looking back to where we were then, we’re just glad that we’ve made it.

Love is about working together as a unit. Loving her is fun as well as it is challenging. But it is only challenging because we grow together as one.

It’s been 4 years and counting…
That’s how long we’ve been together. We’ve been through ups and downs, the best and the worst, but we don’t give up.

We won’t give up on love because we believe in each other. We won’t give up on love because the happiness we’ve shared is worth more than the challenges we’ve passed together.

She gave me the thing that I always thought I never wanted. The happiness to share my life with someone. The cheerfulness of our daughters makes me count our blessings every day.

And for everything she’s given me, I can never thank her enough.

For the love of my life, Antonette.

Are you ready to improve & be effective in your love life , your mindset and your mental health ?

Fill in the form below and I will get back to you.

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