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Self-confidence tips backed by science

The reason so many people never totally fulfill their potential is not because they lack the skills, but mostly because they lack the belief in themselves. With self-confidence, you can do anything! Often confidence is viewed as something that only the few lucky ones...

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Why is it important to have a high self esteem?

Having high self-esteem is very important to keep a positive mental health and well-being. It matters because it helps you develop healthy coping skills, to handle issues the right way, and to view negative events from a good perspective. When you have healthy amounts...

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What is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is a person's beliefs about their own worth. It is also related to the feelings people experience depending on their sense of worthiness or on the contrary, unworthiness. Self-esteem is an important topic because it influences a lot of your choices and...

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Practicing self-love in a relationship

Not having enough self-love while you are in a relationship can lead to conflict, anger, resentment, and sometimes added conflicts may even lead to breakups. That is why you really need to learn to love yourself before getting committed in a relationship. But what if...

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