Confidence is something we all crave for, because it makes us feel so much better and makes our life easier! The answer to boosting your self-esteem lie in your subconscious mind, but getting to that point takes some practice and a few tricks!

Let’s see some tips and tricks to finally become the confident person you’re meant to be:


Affirmations means repeating positive statements out loud or in your mind about a result you would like to achieve. You can also write them down. Your mind gets immersed in these affirmations and slowly starts to believe these as already true.

They help to purify your thoughts and restructure the dynamics of these
thoughts so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible.
And what the mind believes, it conceives. So you start to take action as a result of this determination that you ingrain in your mind.

Keep a confidence journal.

Keeping a confident journal helps your mind internalize the things you are writing down. It also helps write the reasons of what you want down. If you start a journal about being confident, why you want this and how your life will get better once you boost your self-worth, you’ll finally understand the reason behind those things.

It will give your mind the power to attract the right circumstances to you and help you get ideas on how to get to the right spot as fast as possible.
Some people like to journal daily just to let go of negativity and as a way of reducing stress. And some very successful people are known to journal in the morning about what they want to achieve during the day.

Turning this practice into a practice to boost your confidence will allow you to get results quite soon. Do it first thing in the morning before getting ready when no other thing will have the chance to affect your subconscious mind, and this way your mind will be clearer. Doing it just before going to bed will also allow you to go to sleep with a clear mind.

Stop the negative self-talk.

The next thing you can try is to ditch anything negative that has the power to affect you. This starts with ditching the negative self-talk. Each time you say you cannot achieve something or that you aren’t good enough to be with someone after you’ve been rejected by that person, your self-talk contributes to getting you down and lowering your self-esteem.

Your conscious mind remembers very well this self-talk and brings it back to you at any other given
moment that reminds you the original rejection or the original failure. You need to get out of this vicious circle by noticing when you’re doing this negative self-talk and by stopping yourself and replacing it with positive thoughts. Or why not try doing affirmations at that very moment!

Unfortunately the negativity may not only come from yourself, it may also come from others, from your friends, your parents, your partner, your colleagues… If some of the people around you have a habit of putting you down or of being negative, then you’ll eventually start believing their comments and to feel bad about yourself, your choices, your decisions, and what not.

Authority figures that we encountered in childhood are one of the biggest reasons why we lack self-worth. It’s important to analyze their talk, understand that what they say has nothing to do with you or your abilities.
Just let go of their opinions.

Guides meditations.

Meditation is known to have lots of wonderful benefits, and it’s a great exercise to do to boost your self

Get yourself in a quiet spot, learn to relax, let go, breathe, and just focus on your breathing. Once you get good at this, it’s time to start listening to positive affrmations.

Another type of meditation you can use to actually increase your self-esteem is guided meditation.
Just find an quiet spot, put on your headphones, and listen to the instructions.
You’ll quietly reach a state of relaxation and then hypnosis, and that will allow you to completely forget
about reality and just be one with your mind.

Now that you learned about these confidence techniques that use your subconscious mind, you can start taking action today to improve your self-confidence.

Which one will you choose to start with?

And to learn more about self-confidence, how your thoughts affect your reality, and how to change those thoughts patterns to get your life back on track, sign up to my  free Video Workshop HERE.

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