There is a positive imagination and there is a negative imagination.

First thing first, let’s check what a positive imagination is :

Everything that has been created and folded throughout history, it didn’t suddenly show up, everything began with a small thought, a thought that got multiplied in the mind of the creator and turned the mind into a powerful machine of an endless idea. Those ideas were then copied into every single cell, to make a bigger picture inside the mind, to give an outcome through the power of imagination, to see what you want to create in your mind as if it already exists. Yes they imagined, they felt it, they saw it, and then they managed to put into reality, a reality that gave today’s ERA.

What is a negative imagination?

A negative imagination is where we imagine things based on fear of what might happen next. It’s the seed for a lot of psychological problems where almost everyone is facing something along the lines of anxiety and depression. When you have the negative thought of fear in your mind, what you are doing is you are planting a seed in your mind. You are making sure every cell works through in a certain order, then when that happens, you bring your imagination to reality and you end up having it.

Let me give you an example. You think that you are not good enough, and you have a fear, your partner may leave you. What you are imagining when you are alone is that your partner is leaving you. This is what is called manifestation. This kind of imagination has the power to destroy your relationship. You might be asking “How?”, it is because you are surrounding yourself with the idea of being dumped and you start to hold on to the idea of “I am not good enough” wherever you go.

But, if we going to see the flip side of the coin to this example, let’s see the power of positive imagination:

You always tell yourself “I am good enough” and you have faith that your relationship will last. What you are manifesting and imagining here is that you are good enough to be treated as you should be. If for some reason your relationship fails, your ex-partner is not good enough for you and you deserve better the next time you find a new partner, you know in your heart you not going to settle for less. This leaves you in a healthy relationship and a healthy way of making choices for the rest of your life.


Tips to a positive imagination:

-> Surround yourself with positive people

-> Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people it helps you to have a good relationship with yourself first. You have people around you who like and love you for who you are and you don’t have to prove yourself to them because they know you the true you.

-> You always make it a point to have trustworthy people around you who can stand with you in times of need and they are always around you when you want to share your thoughts.

Think positively: Thinking positively is to have a healthy mind. Having a healthy mind is the source of happiness, joy, and fulfillment in life.

With so much negativity going on around us, how can we think positively? Well, my answer is short, you chose to. Simple as that. It is the same way you pick up the negative thoughts. From now on you choose to have positive thoughts. But, be aware of your thoughts, for as the thoughts in your mind they don’t ever seem to stop coming. What you have to do is be aware of it and most of all is to pick what serves you and try not to run after every thought that shows up in your mind.

Meditate: One of the most powerful techniques that can help our brain to calm down and boost our health is to meditate. To meditate is to stop running and appreciate the air that we breathe. It helps us be connected to ourselves, to keep our health in balance, but most of all, it’s to live happily in the moment.

Keep a journal: A daily basis activity, our brain runs a lot of thoughts, ideas, and whatever that we see, hear, feel, and think. In this time of isolation and along with so much information, it gets a bit hard to catch what is important and what we have learned. There is one way we could do to fix this, by keeping a journal. A journal is like our evaluator, it helps us to pick up what’s important, what is the lesson that we learned, and if this happens for the next time what do we do? I have a journal and I use it daily, and it helps me learn from my mistakes and make progress in my life. Always find the truth of who you are in yourself, not others. Have you ever asked yourself “Who am I?”, If not who are you? What are the qualities that make you, you? Who you are as a person is your unique qualities. That’s what makes you, who you are. That is your truth, the truth of who you are. Don’t try to find the truth of who you are, if you do, you are going to end up losing yourself and your life will get stuck in the philosophy of going in a circle like a dog chasing his tail. So get yourself free in the truth.

Believe you are “good enough”: * Good enough *, it sounds simple, but it holds the key to change your life.

If you are a person who always:

-> Want approval of others.

-> Don’t believe in yourself.

-> Struggle to make friends.

-> Who is stuck in unhealthy relationships.

-> Always sabotage yourself.

-> Who is addicted to self-criticism On and on…

This a list that never ends. If you are a person who’s the answer is yes to these self-limiting beliefs, my friend, no one is coming to rescue you. You have to make a choice to set yourself free.

Why? Because you were born good enough, free, and you deserve to live free.

Next time when you find yourself saying “I always have bad luck on my side” remember this post about the power of imagination and how you are manifesting what YOU want.

Sending you love.

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