A lot of us tend to overthink about things that trigger us or that annoy us. We know how much this can affect us and make us feel low.
But thoughts in themselves have no power, it’s only when we engage our attention into them that we start to believe them and give them power.
For example, if you regularly think that you’re a failure and turn your attention to it a lot, you’ll start to feel bad and worthless, and this is a sure road to low self esteem and depression.But if you have more empowering thoughts, these would boost your confidence and consequently trigger a better emotional state which can be seen in the way you move (think shoulders up for

Thoughts give rise to emotions, and the frequency of these emotions then empower
the original thought. We then get into a cycle of think, feel, think, feel.
How you think triggers how you feel and in turn how your body reacts, and all three influence the actions you will be taking. This is how your thoughts create your reality.
The way you act is simply a representation of the thoughts you have and the emotions you feel.
The problems you think you are facing are not the real problems, the real problem is the way you think about this problem.
As we engage in the same thought patterns of think, feel and do, these patterns get stuck in our subconscious mind. And our subconscious mind runs 95% of our life on automated pilot.

Carl Jung used to say : “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
The more you think about something the more it becomes real to you and has power over you and your life.
Thoughts contain energy. Every thought you have strengthens the circuitry in your brain called your neural pathways . The more you think the same thought, the easier, and the more often it comes back.

The only way not to get stuck in this pattern is to get into your subconscious mind and reprogram it, so you know you are not your thoughts but you are the thinker.

So how to get out of this vicious circle? Through awareness.

1. Be aware of your thoughts, emotions and the way your body reacts.
2. Be more conscious of what thoughts repeat themselves.

Try to understand why you are feeling these emotions. Why am I feeling bad? Why am I feeling angry? Why do I feel tense?
This will help us find out why we’re feeling what we’re feeling in the first place, and bring us back to the root cause of these feelings : The thoughts that came in the first place.
Affirmations are a great way to plant new seeds in your subconscious and to reshape your mind to think better thoughts.
Be aware of the quality of your thoughts as these will determine the quality of your lives!


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